FATIANA – ‘Love’
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be returning from the CFC/CCTC Specialty Dog Shows in Nova Scotia the Fall of 2010 with yet another Coton de Tulear – YES! – another female: FATIANA (Malagasy for: LOVE). The breeder of KINTANA had a very good female ‘show/breed prospect’ which she presented to me and asked me to seriously consider … the rest is history!
FATIANA adapted to her new home and family with her robust spirit which brought such sweet blending to the other two White Pearls. She expressed herself in true ‘ballerina’ form and had JEWELA – the ‘princess’ – and KINTANA – the ‘prince’ – astonished with her energetic dancing and prancing – wonderful! (So much for me saying to the breeder that I thought she was too ‘quiet’ … I phoned her in a few days to say FATIANA had sure fooled me and wasn’t I so happy for that.)
She too debuted in the ring at the CFC/CCTC National Specialty Dog Shows September, 2011, in St. Luis, Quebec. She excelled in the ring and won ‘Best Junior in Specialty’! Next came the ‘Travel The World’ Dog Showa a couple weeks later where she won Best of Breed and Best of Winners in both the Group V Dog Club Specialty and Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers Show that day too – she was well on her way towards her CKC Championship!
Thank you, Lord, what an added blessing … only you knew how much added comfort, joy and love FATIANA would bring to my life!